
All therapists for Soundcheck Bodyworks have been certified by a 200 hour yoga program, and have been practicing yoga for years.  All are yoga teachers in the community, giving a wide range of instruction and experience.

Yoga is a lot more than just stretching, and can produce amazing results.  The term yoga means ‘to unite’ in Sanskrit – to unite movement and breath.  The physical poses, or asanas, are not the goal, and it’s not a competitive athletic sport.  They are a method, along with breath, to calm the thinking mind.

The yoga work performed by Soundcheck Bodyworks will be beginner level, unless otherwise requested.  The yoga instruction is based in the principles of Anusara Yoga, a discipline that relies on proper body alignment and muscular energy to safely provide a place of growth and strengthening.

The most common statement made by people who don’t do yoga is “I’m not flexible enough”.  This is absolutely not an issue, and beginner poses can be adjusted to any body at any level of fitness.  There is a yoga practice that can benefit you, no matter what level you think your body is.

It’s also important to remember that your body is not stagnant, and what you can do changes daily. Greet each day with your body as a lesson on what you can accomplish today, not as a challenge against the day before.

A pure-yoga class can be arranged if members of the crew & band have a somewhat regular yoga practice, and the instruction can be adjusted to a more advanced level.

Paddleboard Yoga

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